Monday 18 October 2010


I handed out 50 questionnaires to males and females from the ages of 16-50, I have done this so I am able to get a clear understanding of who my target audience will be. 24 Females and 26 males filled in my questionnaires.

Do you enjoy romance/romantic comedy films?

Looking at these two graphs, we can clearly see that romance films appeal to all different ages of females, so I have a clear understanding of what gender my short film will be aimed at; we are also able to clearly see that the majority of male respondents do not enjoy romance films, so I will there for eliminate male gender as I am looking at the majority of answers in my questionnaire. However, looking through my questionnaires, interestingly the 8 males that did say “yes” to enjoying romance films are single, with no children, this may be because they dislike being single, much like female watch them to make them feel happier. I think all women have said yes because all different types of women are able to relate to different romantic comedies; also, actors within females are always made to be appealing to men and women but frequently will appeal to women more so than men as it is a much more feminine genre and subject.

Due to the fact that all women I asked said yes, I will not need to look further into the different categories e.g. Marital status, children etc as I know this genre appeals to all so I have no need to eliminate any others.

To help me get a better understanding of how to layout my short film I have asked the question of:

Do you prefer films that are told using, Linear Narrative or Non Linear?

Majority of respondents have said they prefer Linear Narrative, and for the reason that I am looking at the majority of answers this has influenced me to tell my short film using the linear narrative. I think this is because it makes films much easier to watch, keeping the audience more relaxed when viewing the film.

I asked this question to get an idea of what type of story women enjoy and have seen before, which will influence my story line, whether it will be a light hearted, humorous story line or to create a more serious story with the main theme being love.

Which if the following films have you watched?
Titanic, PS I love You, Notting Hill, When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle.

Looking at this graph, the most popular film out of all 5 is “Titanic” however; this is a classic love story that almost everyone has heard of, and is a “must see”, so I will also look at the second most popular, which is Notting Hill. Luckily, I have asked two questions in my questionnaire, asking the respondent to discuss their likes and dislikes about Notting Hill and Titanic.
Many of the likes to Notting Hill is the character “Spike” who adds a lot of the comedy to the film, and having a comical, peculiar friend of the main character is very typical of a romance/romantic comedy. Many also had said they liked the twist of the story, with Julia Roberts playing the celebrity that falls in love with a middle class British man.
Many women had said they liked Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic, this highlights that a good looking man is a main factor that makes a film appeal to them; which I think is essential for a romance/romantic comedy. Many had also said they liked the music, and the actual story line itself. Romance films do obviously appeal to women of all ages, however I will need to find exactly how and why this genre is so appealing to help me narrow down and influence my story.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is wrong to discount the marital status as being important. There may be a specific relationship between your idea and a more direct target audience. Although all women like romantic comedies it does not necessarily mean that all women are going to like your romantic comedy. There will be some differentiation of target audience within this rather broad genre type. Not sure what you mean by 'Many of the likes to Notting Hill'. Do you mean the respondents who liked Notting Hill, particularly enjoyed the character of Spike. What about your question made it clear that the reason the women liked Leo in Titanic is because he was handsome? I think it is a little limited of you to think this, unless you have evidence of course. You may want to present more graphical information to support your last paragraph.
