Tuesday 19 October 2010

Film Ideas

Idea 1

Characters: Abbie. Josh. Extras

Abbie and Josh are a typical, young couple both at the age of 18, who are very much inlove and have been together for over two years. They are the very popular, friendly type of people that everyone loves and all of their friends love the relationships that Abbie and Josh share. I will show small snippets of their relationship so the audience can gain a good idea of the very strong, committed relationship that they have. However, a very rare occasion crops on when the couple have a very big argument, causing them to not talk to eachother for weeks. Josh eventually goes over to Abbies house to try and recolve the situation, but they end up arguing again and Josh storms out of the house, but is soon followed by Abbie. They get into Josh's car and as they are driving they are still arguing; makes Josh loose concentration and they crash. This causes very serious injuries to both Abbie and Josh, which leads to the death of the couple. However, to stop my short film from being too sad, I want to make the main focus of the film to be on Josh and Abbie in heaven. You see them happily in heaven together, they talk about how different heaven is to hoe they thought it would be etc. I won't have any relation of Abbie and Josh shown after the crash as this would create a lot of sad emotion and this is not something i want puruse in my film.
I want to have a voice over of Abbie through my film as I think this would add a more personal feeling to it, but i also think it would take away the sadness from the film as she can be casually talking about it and it won't be a sad subject for her. I haven't yet decided on whether i want to add comedy into my film or to keep it as a drama, this is something I will ask in my focus group.
I would really enjoy portraying heaven, and I think i could show this easily, although my idea my sound complex I think it is also doable. I believe that my idea is quite unique, because although there is death in my film it isn’t going to be sad. There are also films of one half of a partnership in heaven looking over the other half, however there are no films that include a couple in heaven together and I think this could be a nice story, because I can also give an idea that there is always life after death and I can make it a light hearted subject.

Idea 2
Characters: Rhys
Holly and Holly’s friends
Tara and her friend
Rhys, Holly and Tara all go to the same school and like all schools there is a very popular group; Holly and Rhys are part of the popular crowd at school and all of their friends think that they should be a couple. Holly is the stereo typical, snobby girl who thinks that she is better than everyone and she knows that she is the prettiest girl in the school, whereas Rhys is very down to earth, and although is part of the popular group he is the most friendly boy in the year who everyone loves. Tara is more of a quiet character who is part of the less popular group that keep themselves to themselves, she has known Rhys since she was a young girl at first school and they live opposite each other so they always end up walking the same way home so they talk to each other. Tara eventually realizes that she has developed some strong feelings towards Rhys but because of Holly, she feels that she can’t act on it, but every time Rhys speaks to Tara on the internet she feels that she still has hope to be with him. One night Tara and Rhys are talking over the internet when they begin to start talking more into their feelings towards relationships and Rhys’s feelings for Holly and he tells Tara that his true opinions of Holly are not what you would expect, and he would prefer a much more down to earth girlfriend. The conversation opens up into more depth and they being to flirt slightly and it becomes obvious to one another that they have feelings for each other without it being said. A few days pass and Tara see’s Rhys kissing Holly outside of her house and Tara is heartbroken and doesn’t talk to Rhys for a while and he tries to get attention from her over the internet, through text and even standing at his bedroom window hoping to see Tara in her window. They walk out of their houses at the same time by coincidence and Rhys convinces Tara to talk to him, they talk about their true feelings and all is resolved and Rhys chooses Tara over Holly.

Idea 3
Characters: Bianca Jane and David-Bianca’s parents
Bianca and Liam are two teenagers that lead very separate lives; Bianca comes from a very wealthy, upper class family that has very high values and expects a lot of Bianca. Whereas Liam comes from a less wealthy background, he doesn’t have a stable household, he lives with his mum who only has a part time job as a cleaner; there values and ambitions are very different to Bianca’s family. Liam and Bianca meet each other through mutual friends and soon get to know each other and very quickly fall in love. Bianca tells her parents that she has been seeing Liam and they invite Liam round to meet him, however, when they find out his back ground, and see his image they very much disapprove of Liam and tell Bianca that she is not to see him. This creates huge upset between the two, and offends Liam so he backs off and they become distant from one another for a long time. Bianca tells her parents how upset they have made her and ask them both to apologize and reconsider their decision; Bianca finally gets in touch with Liam and explains everything and her parents apologize to Liam. In the end we find out that Liam has been trying to turn his life around to be in Bianca’s life and they end up together, with the approval of her family.


  1. Your ideas need further development as they lack uniques elling points. You must ensure that you clearly highlight the ways that your ideas have originality. You should also ensure that the story can be told in 10 minutes to allow full audience engagement.

    Idea 2 has been done before with 'Some Kind of Wonderful'. It could be interesting to look at the situation from another perspective. Maybe the popular girl who will eventually be rejected. Does she see herself in the same way as everyone else?

    A division of class is tried and tested so isn't particularly original. I recommend that you look at romantic news stories online.

  2. Idea One - "a very rare occasion crops on" - please read over your work. What do the couple argue about? Lose concentration not loose. Hoe instead of how - again read over your work.

    As Sarah suggested, try and find inspiration in other areas as these ideas are a little typical of the genre and have been done over and over. Think about romantic comedies that challenge the stereotypes such as Kissing Jessica Stein and 500 days of Summer and consider why audiences engaged with these films.
