Monday 18 October 2010


To help me further influence my film ideas, and how to appeal to my audience I asked 10 females these interview questions. I did this by sending them through facebook, and voice recording however I have written all results down so I am able to view these documents easily.

1. What do you like about romance films?
2. What is your favorite film in this genre?
3. What about this film really appeals to you and why?
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
5. What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
6. Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
7. What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
8. Do you prefer sad endings or happy endings?
9. Do you like films that you can relate to?
10. What would be a typical romance drama story line?
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
12. What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?

Female, 17
1. What do you like about romance films?
They really make you believe men can be reasonable, for at least the duration for the film
2.What is your favorite film in this genre?
Love actually
3. What about this film really appeals to you and why?
It's funny and could be deemed to have a hint of realism.
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
How all of the stories are entwined together
5.What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Lots of rain and delicious men wearing white shirts
6.Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
Yes, if they have a little 'story'
7.What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Powerful ballads or probably feel good love songs
8. Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
Happy endings because otherwise I feel rubbish/unfulfilled
9.Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Yes, more realistic
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
Boy meets girl, boy hates girl, girl hates boy, girl and boy fall in love
11.What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
12.What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Nerds/not pretty girls and fit boys... give the rest of us a chance. Oh but not fat girl with fit guy i.e. hairspray because it would never happen unless said fit guy was demonstrably blind

Female, 17

1. What do you like about romance films?
Thinking that it could happen to you one day (the good, finding your true love bit - not the sad bit where your other half normally dies)
2.What is your favorite film in this genre?
The notebook
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
That it's set in the 40s
4.Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
The letters, and the going back in time. I really like the structure of the film.
5.What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
6. Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
Sometimes, if they're likeable/you can relate to them
7.What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Classic love songs
8.Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
Happy endings of course because that's how you always want a love story to end... I hate cliff hangers and not knowing what happened!
9. Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Yes because they're more realistic
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
two young people fall in love, can't be together for some reason or another.... go their separate ways, meet up again, some big twist, have a baby maybe.
11.What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
In the countryside
12.What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Pretty girl, HOT GUY

Female, 18

1. What do you like about romance films?
2.What is your favorite film in this genre?
The Notebook
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
You go through the ups and downs with the characters. Following their lives from the moment they met. They have the best moments and kisses in the rain!
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
switching from past and presence
5.What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
6.Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
Yes, if you learn a bit about the characters at the beginning
7.What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Acoustic, piano solos, pop
8.Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
depends on what mood, I prefer the ending to be different from the rest of the film, so sad film- happy ending, happy film-sad ending
9.Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
sometimes, you understand the circumstances of the characters
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
Two people meet unexpectedly, already in relationships but fall in love, their relationship is frowned upon and they either live happily ever after or one of them dies.
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
ordinary, average
12.What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
A rebellious, laid back character (boy) and a more cautious and good person (girl).

Female, 24

1. What do you like about romance films?
That I can relate to them they are realistic and mirror our own lives
2.What is your favorite film in this genre?
Titanic/the notebook
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
They make you happy and sad.
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
The music created most of the atmosphere
5.What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Music, lighting and sound effects
6.Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
If I am able to relate to them or their situation I am do get attached to the character as I can feel the same emotion.
7. What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
8.Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
Happy ending so that u feel good at the end of the film
9.Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Yes because you can learn from them
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
Girl like boy, boy like girl... get together then have a problem but fight through it
11.What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
A casual setting, in a house or a town
12. What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Characters like me, an average person and some odd characters as well.

Female, 28
1. What do you like about romance films?
they're sweet, they make you feel good in side, as your watching someone else’s happiness which we get joy out of, and often u experience many emotions
2.What is your favorite film in this genre?
Dear John
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
because of the actor channing Tatum and we can easily relate to the characters and what they experience makes them develop individually making it interesting to watch
4.Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
It’s pretty simple love story, the letters build tension for the watcher.
5. What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Long pauses to build tension, good actors/actresses which portray emotion well, I good plot to the scene. The composition of the scene.
6. Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
Yes, especially the male, as we see things completely from his perspective (one minded narrative) however we do also get to see the girl’s side, making us vulnerable to liking her
7.What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Calm, softening music, fitting in with the piece. Not too loud either as it becomes to distracting.
8. Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
It depends on the film. I hate cliff hangers as I like the film to be resolved and if it isn't it often means there would be a sequel which often ruins the original (not in every case however). But happy endings often leave me feeling happy.
9. Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Yes, because there’s no point watching a film if it is not at all relatable, that is why there is a target audience used for the media industry.
10. What would be a typical romance drama story line?
One person likes another, the other one doesn't even notice them, several events happen and in the end they fall madly in love.
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
At home/school/work/on location
12.What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Someone who’s quite an original person and has an individual flare or passion that makes them stand out, but not in a popular way.

Female, 17

1. What do you like about romance films?
You can get lost in the story
2.What is your favorite film in this genre?
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
It’s historical and romantic; it gives more of a story.
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
Good music, dramatic, it’s on a boat (pathetic fallacy with the storm etc.)
5. What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Orchestral music
6.Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
I don’t
7.What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Typical love songs to make it soppy
8. Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
Cliff hangers, tension, potential for a sequel
9.Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Not really I like ones that take you out of your natural environment
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
Boy meets girl, boy does stupid thing, makes big effort to win girl back, and they make up, get married and have a baby.
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
Dramatic ones, big exciting cities for example!
12. What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Yummy boys, girls with a bit of spunk! Not the pathetic damsel in distress type

Female, 51
1. What do you like about romance films?
How you can watch the couples get to know each other, watch the relationship unfold and watch how they fall in love.
2. What is your favorite film in this genre?
Love Story
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
How they can from very different backgrounds and how he went against his parents’ wishes to be with her, it gives you the idea that love can conquer everything.
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
She was a music teacher and she loved Bach, so they used a lot of his music throughout the film, and whenever I hear Bach I always think of Love Story.
5. What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Music and lighting
6. Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
I get attached to quirky characters quite quickly, and characters that aren’t the stereotypical type “petit and pretty, small dark and handsome” because not all of us are “petit and pretty” and that should be portrayed in films more often.
7. What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Upbeat music and sad music, music on its own can provoke an emotion in most of us.
8. Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
I don’t like cliffhangers; it either has to have a happy or sad ending. We obviously all prefer a happy ending but some films are made on the fact that they have a sad ending like Titanic or Love Story.
9. Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
I like films that can take me away from my normal life
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
Meet, fall in love, argue, make up and get back together.
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
A town, beaches, I don’t like it when it’s an isolated place, and it needs to be in a normal environment surrounded by other people.
12. What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Late 20’s couple.

Female, 17

1. What do you like about romance films?
They’re nice to watch because they make me happy.
2. What is your favorite film in this genre?
PS I love you
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
It’s cute and it makes me cry.
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
The letters that they used, it added more emotion.
5. What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Silence because it adds tension.
6. Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
If they’re shown in a good way I’ll get attached to them
7. What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Typical love songs that I would know
8. Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
Happy endings because they make you feel good
9. Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Yes it makes it more emotional
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
They fall in love, they fall out of love then they fall back together.
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
New York, a field or a house
12. What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Teenagers because I can relate to that.

Female, 17

1. What do you like about romance films?

They’re nice to watch and make me feel good when there’s a happy ending.
2. What is your favorite film in this genre?
The Break Up
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
I like that they both have their differences and they sort things out.
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
Different camera angles and shots show the two different points of view.
5. What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Music and lighting
6.Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
If you are shown a story or a life background to a character I do get attached to some characters and their personality.
7. What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Songs that have nice lyrics and mean something.
8. Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
Happy endings because they make you feel good
9. Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Yes it makes it more emotional
10.What would be a typical romance drama story line?
A boy and girl are together but they think it’s not going to work out so they become far apart, but they get back together and fall back in love.
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
A busy place
12. What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
A girl and a hot boy.

Female, 46

1. What do you like about romance films?
There are easy and enjoyable to watch, and they make you feel good.
2. What is your favorite film in this genre?
When Harry met Sally
3.What about this film really appeals to you and why?
I think the story line is really well done, and it shows us that you are able to fall in love with your best friend.
4. Are there any special techniques used in this film that made it standout?
The way Harry and Sally don’t see each other for a very long time but they end up having a very strong friendship. 5. What can be added to a scene to create emotion?
Music that creates an atmosphere for certain situations and moods.
6. Do you get attached to characters quickly? If so, what techniques are used to do so?
If they are funny, or have a certain charm or charisma I can get easily attached to a character, such as Hugh Grant in Notting Hill.
7. What type of music do you prefer to hear for films in this genre?
Powerful love songs, or soft music.
8. Do you prefer sad endings, happy endings or cliff hangers and why?
Happy endings because they make you feel good, I don’t like cliff hangers at all.
9. Do you like films that you can relate to and why?
Sometimes, but I also like films that can take me away from reality.
10. What would be a typical romance drama story line?
A man and woman meet, fall in love, fall out of love but things get resolved.
11. What type of environments would you like a romance film to be set in?
Different places such as a house, work place, beach, garden, anywhere that can set a love scene.
12. What type of characters would you like to see in a romance film?
Good looking characters
I will now analyse these interview results, although the majority of my interviewee's are 17 I am pleased with the results I have recieved as most of the answers are the same.

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