Monday 4 October 2010

Media Questionnaire

Please circle your answer

Gender: Male Female

Age: 12-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 30+

Are you currently employed?

Full time Part time Full time student Part time student

Marital Status:

Single Engaged Married Divorced Widowed

Do you have children, if so, how many?


How often do you go to the cinema?

Once a week couple of times a month once a month not very regularly

What is favourite genre of film?

Horror Action Thriller Drama Chick-flick Comedy Romance

Do you enjoy romance/chick flick/ romantic comedies?

Yes No

What are the reasons for your answer?


Please circle any of the following films if you have seen them.

Titanic PS I Love You Notting Hill When Harry met Sally Sleepless in Seattle

What is your favourite romance/romantic comedy?


What stereotypical aspects would you expect to see in a romance/ romantic comedy film?


What type of characters would you expect to see in this type of genre?

......................................................................................................................................................... Do you prefer films that are told using:

Linear Narrative Non-Linear

(In a chronological, step by step order) (Not told in a straight line, skips to different times)

Have you watched Titanic?

Yes No

If so, what did you like and dislike about the film?


Have you watched Notting Hill?

Yes No

If so, what did you like and dislike about this film?


What aspect would you add to a romance/chick flick to make it unique and appeal to you?


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